- (A) The leftmost icons on the screen present the user with a way to jump to major sections of the application; such as, Codes , Profiles , daily Work , Reports , Support and the opening home page .
Clicking here will refresh the middle portion (client area) of the screen.
- (B) The centered top icons. ECASYS allows you to drill down several levels of screens within each major topic area. The top set of icons show you exactly how far that you've drilled in (showing previous levels as gray scale icons in this space). It also allows you to easily move back one or two levels, by simply clicking on the corresponding icon.
If the rightmost icon is gray, it represents the lowest level detail screen in a given section. You can not drill in further than this point.
- (C) The application and profiles screen are controlled using a list of items that make up that topic. For example, to work with Landlords, you are presented with a list of Landlords, from which you can change, delete or add additional landlord detail information. To get to the corresponding detail, select an item in the list and choose a button on the bottom of the screen. You can also simply double-click an existing entry to update it, without choosing a button at the bottom.
Note: The width of this list is determined by the width of the longest entry in the list.
- (D) Add, Change, Delete and Back buttons are provided at the bottom of each screen, to work with the data fields; or to move back to the previous application screen that you were working with.
- (E) The last modification date of each application screen is shown in a line of text beneath the application buttons.