

Processing Import/Export Files

This screen details how to use the File Import/Export process.

The same screen is used to handle both importing (bring into ECASYS) as well as exporting (sending from ECASYS) files.

The green table shows the files coming into the system, in descending date order, by Program. The red table shows the same thing for the files being prepared to send from ECASYS to outside agencies.

A flag is included which shows whether the file has been processed. If unmarked, action is required by the ECASYS administrator to move the file in the proper direction.

All files, are stored in a folder off of the web page root, called \Files. Files within this folder are named as follows:


example: iWAT000125.DAT

The date is included in the filename, to prevent problems where files are overwritten (and have their creation date subsequently changed.

Figure 1 - Import/Export File Processing


Page last modified: Wednesday, May 17, 2000 3:03:44 PM